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Quilt Preparation

Your quilt top should be prepared to allow me to load directly onto the long arm.

Both wadding and backing must be larger than your completed quilt top to

• Allow for correct loading onto the rollers of the long arm,

• To enable the machine motors to reach the edge of the quilt top.

The wadding must be a minimum of 4” wider than each side as well as 4” longer on the top and bottom than your quilt top.

The quilt backing must be a minimum of 5” wider on each side as well as 5” longer on the top and the bottom of your quilt top. ie if your quilt measures 60” x 60”, your backing should measure 68” square.

All edges of the quilt top should be trimmed flat and squared with all the edges secured to ensure the seams do not pull apart.

If you are joining your backing, the selvages along the seam line should be removed, also ensure that there is no puckering. If you wish for the join line to be either run down the middle of the quilt or from side to side, please advise when we complete the initial consultation.

With the wadding if you are joining pieces, please ensure that there is no bulky seams. Edges should be abutted side by side and batting tape or zig zagged stitched together.

All loose threads need to be clipped on both the quilt top and backing. Threads, especially dark ones can show through when quilted.

The quilt top and backing must be ironed and gently folded if posted. Both preferably hung if delivering in person.

Should it be required for me to do any quilt preparation an hourly rate of $25.00 will apply. This will be confirmed during the initial consultation.

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